6 smoothie recipes

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Now the most popular topic is «Health food». Many stars confess their love to green cocktails and share all sorts of drink variations in their accounts. This is because one glass of smoothie is able to start the processes of purification in the body and charge with energy for the whole day, and it takes only 5 minutes to prepare a healthy cocktail. All you need is to load a mix of seasonal fruits and vegetables into your blender. Below are delicious smoothie recipes directly from the stars. 

Cindy Crawford

Cindy Crawford, one of the most famous top models of the 90s, ended her career many years ago, but, nevertheless, she occasionally goes to the catwalk, is shot for advertising campaigns and looks perfect. And here is her recipe for the perfect smoothie: 

You will need:

- 1 glass of almond milk - ½ frozen banana - handful of spinach leaves -  handful of mint leaves - handful of cocoa beans 

All components mix in a blender until smooth, pour into a tall glass and garnish with blueberries. If desired, add crushed ice.   

Spinach Smoothies by Alessandra Ambrosio Supermodel and angel Victoria’s Secret drink large portions of smoothie with spinach before training. Smoothie not only nourishes the body with nutrients, but also prepares the body for physical exertion.  You will need:  - 2 cups fresh spinach  - 2 cups unsweetened almond milk - 1 large apple  - 1 banana  - ⅓ cup oatmeal - 1 tablespoon of coconut oil - 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon Mix in a blender spinach and almond milk until smooth. Cut apple and banana into slices and mix with spinach. Add the rest of the ingredients to the blender and grind everything. Pour into a glass and enjoy! Beetroot Smoothie by Julianne Hough

An invigorating and refreshing smoothie from a dancer Julianne Hough is a great option for detox: removes toxins from the body and saturates it with vitamins. 

You will need: 

- 1 cup of coconut milk - 1 average boiled beets - 1 cup blueberries (can be used frozen) - ½ mango fruit - ¼ avocado fruit - 2 celery stalks - 1 tablespoon lemon juice Fruits, celery and beets cut into pieces. 

Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth, pour into a tall glass and garnish with blueberries. If desired, add crushed ice. 

Camila Alves

This delicious smoothie is ideal for detox and will replace a full breakfast, because it includes nuts, chia seeds, and berries. The author of the recipe, model and designer Camila Alves recommends eating this smoothie with a spoon, like porridge.   

  You will need: 

 - ½ cup nonfat kefir - 1 frozen banana -  handful of fresh or frozen blueberries and blackberries - bunch of spinach - ¼ tsp cinnamon - 1 tablespoon of chia seeds -  handful of almonds 

  Kefir, banana, pre-cut into pieces, spinach and cinnamon mix in a blender until smooth. Put in a plate, garnish with berries, sprinkle with chia seeds and coarsely chopped almonds. Optionally, you can add oatmeal to smoothies.

Gwyneth Paltrow

«Usually I don't eat anything until lunch - I just drink juices and smoothies. One of my favorites is made from almond milk, coconut oil, red maca, Indian ginseng and salt»   

 You will need: 

- 1 cup almond milk - 1 teaspoon almond oil - 2 teaspoons of vanilla fungal protein powder - 1 teaspoon poppies - 1 teaspoon ashwagandy - 1 tsp ho shu woo - 1 teaspoon cordyceps - Pinch of Himalayan Sea Salt - Pinch of vanilla powder 

Mix all the ingredients in a blender until smooth. 


  Elle Macpherson 

The Australian supermodel from the «nineties» looks like a real thirty-year-old beauty. And, as you might guess, she also loves smoothies.   

You will need: 

- 1 Kiwi - 1 green apple (peeled) - a handful of cabbage cale - 1 passion fruit - 2 tbsp. chia seed - 1 glass of almond milk 

Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a blender. Pour the smoothie into a glass, garnish with cream and nuts.

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