Fashion Weeks in Paris, New York and Milan Are Postponed Due to Coronavirus

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According to organizers, Men's and High Fashion Weeks in New York, Milan and Paris, which were supposed to be held this summer, are postponed due to the spread of the coronavirus. They called on designers not to jeopardize the audience of the shows, not to aggravate the consequences of the pandemic and to abandon shows despite the difficult economic situation. New dates for the shows haven’t been set yet, but it’s known that many shows will be held in a mixed format - both men's and women's collections will be presented at once. It’s possible that this format will take root and begin to be used by designers even after the coronavirus is defeated, to save the budgets of brands and other resources.

In the spring/summer 2021 season, the Italian National Fashion Chamber will combine men's and women's Fashion Week, and they will do the same in Paris. The Council of Fashion Designers of America has only announced the cancellation of men's shows, which were scheduled for June. The organizers say that now they are actively working on new digital formats that will help meet the people interests - they launch free online courses, conduct live presentations of new collections and broadcast recordings of past shows.


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