The Avengers: Final

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One of the largest franchises in cinema history, launched by Kevin Faigy in 2008, came to an end. The final part of the Universe of Marvel – «The Avengers: Final» was released in the Russian rental. When the company just launched the Avengers franchise, it was very risky. The model of a common universe that unites characters from several franchises was new and untested, unlike everything that was shown on the big screen before. But the Avengers of 2012 were a hit, earning a staggering $ 1.5 billion worldwide. The final picture of the fans were waiting for eleven years. Over the years, a new generation of viewers has grown, clear standards for good superhero cinema have appeared, and Marvel films have firmly taken their place in history.

What will happen next? 

  At a recent event, which was attended by the head of the studio Marvel Kevin Faigi, it was confirmed that in fact «Avengers 4» are not the end of the «third phase». The last movie before the next significant page in the superhero story will be a movie about Spider-Man. Probably, this film will be an easy continuation of the «Final», designed to give emotional relief after a saturated film about the Avengers.   

The company remains silent about its plans for the future, preferring to allow viewers to focus on completing the «third phase» of the Marvel universe. In fact, the producer stated that they would not announce any of their fourth-phase films until Spiderman: Away from Home was released.

What about the finals?

  After the titan Thanos snapped half of the world's population, the planet plunged into mourning. An interesting fact is that among the surviving half of the planet is the original composition of the Avengers: Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Thor, Hulk and Hawkeye.   Five years have passed, and we are shown how the heroes are trying to live with the consequences of a click. Tony and Pepper had a daughter. Hawkeye in the image of Ronin kills criminals. Cap acts as a psychologist. The Black Widow and others organize something like an observation post - on Earth and in space. Thor became a drunkard and got fat. The heroes have the very chance of the 14 million others foreseen by Dr. Strange. The film will be a lot of references to past films. The storyline with time movements allowed the authors to close the story with a very beautiful move. In the first crossover picture, Tony Stark says the famous phrase: «We will not be able to protect the Earth, so at least we will avenge it», it becomes the motivation of the main characters for further action. In the picture there are no familiar scenes after the credits that refer to other films of the cinema universe. Instead of them - just memorable decorated captions with signatures of actors of the original composition «Avengers». Yet at the very end you can hear the sound of a blow on the anvil - the sound with that Tony Stark created Iron Man’s armor. It is noteworthy that this story began with him, and it ended with them.  

«The final chapter of this eleven-year journey demonstrates that to be a hero is not to have courage or superpowers. It means sacrificing something for the greatest good», - Variety.

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