Top 10 lifehacks for you

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We do not like to save on ourselves, but it is important for us to always be in great shape, spending a minimum of time and money. Every girl from time to time thought about how to facilitate and simplify your life. We will share with you an interesting life hacking to quickly and easily eliminate all the «problems» and look like a million.

1)    If you urgently need to freshen up the styling, but there is no time to wash your hair and dry shampoo at hand - your favorite perfume will come to the rescue. Sprinkle a hairbrush on it and go over the roots. This small trick will allow you to forget about water procedures for 3-4 hours.

2)    Permanent tightening of hair with a rubber band damages their structure. Do this hairstyle no more than once a week.

3)    At any time of the year, do not forget about moisturizing the skin. Change care depending on the season. In winter, before leaving the house, you need to use nourishing creams, in the summer - SPF filters.

4)    To find the perfect shade of foundation, apply it on the wings of the nose, on the cheeks and neck and see how it suits you in natural  lighting.

5)   To properly mask the blue under the eyes, draw a triangle with the corrector and gently blend it. By the way, bruises and spider veins will be well hidden by yellow, pink and peach proofreaders and concealers.

6)    Every six months, conduct an audit in your cosmetic bag and throw away expired products.

7)   Keep your makeup brushes clean. Wash them at least once a week in warm water with special products.

8)   If your favorite mascara began to dry out, and there is no possibility to buy a new one yet, put the closed tube in hot water and leave it for 5 minutes.

9)  Hydrogen peroxide can be used not only with cuts and scratches to disinfect the wound, but also in everyday life. For example, you can easily whiten sneakers, if you mix 2 tablespoons of soda, 1 tbsp. spoon of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water. With this solution we process sneakers that have turned yellow with time and wash off after 20 minutes.

10)   If you find it hard to get up in the morning, put a few tracks into your music playlist. As soon as the last ringtone is finished playing, you should be fully assembled. So you will not only increase the level of discipline, but will also wake up in a good mood. Cheerfulness and vitality during the day you provided.

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