Wardrobe Items That Are Back On-Trend, but We Are Not Happy

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Fashion is round, and every year we see how clothes that were considered to be bad manners for five or even ten years, are regaining popularity. But not all anti trends deserve to return to our wardrobe. We introducing you the top controversial items that have returned to fashion.

Crop Tops

Crop tops were incredibly popular in the 90’s with the filing of pop divas from Spice Girls, who were fond of showing off their flat stomachs. Now, crop tops again burst into the world of the fashion industry. Almost everyone wears them. Emily Ratajkowski, Kim Kardashian, Gigi Hadid, Jennifer Lopez - this is an incomplete list of this wardrobe item’s fans. No doubt, crop tops look intriguing if a girl has a model figure, but in everyday life they look vulgar. Therefore, don’t rush to add this trend to your wardrobe - its popularity will pass soon.

Plush Outfits

In the early 2000’s, when Britney Spears and Paris Hilton were trendsetters, every fashionista was simply obliged to purchase a plush suit of some candy color. Originally focused on gyms, these outfits became a must-have for flights. Some girls even managed to wear them at parties and other special occasions. Now, plush costumes have returned to runways, but don’t rush to make a purchase: these clothes are more suitable for home or walking in the park. While for the fitness club it is better to choose more breathable fabrics.

Total Denim

Jeans are another canonical wardrobe item from the 90’s era. Denim was so popular that not only pants and jackets were made from it, but also floor-length dresses, shirts, shorts and so on. For a while, the looks, entirely consisting of denim, looked interesting, but soon they were fed up. In our time, this ambiguous trend has returned from nonexistence, but we won’t dare to call it relevant. Total denim looks are too brutal and even rude, and it is almost impossible to choose the right shades.

Low-Rise Jeans


Low-rise jeans are a true symbol of the 2000s, and Britney Spears was one of their main fans. At that time, her look with a bare lower back and peeping panties could seem sexy. But nowadays, low landing has become considered to be a sign of bad taste. Unfortunately, pants and low-waist jeans are slowly but surely returning to our lives. But, hopefully, we won’t see them on the runways for at least a few more seasons.


Chokers send us to the BDSM-theme, and initially they were a symbol of rebellion and an attempt to oppose society, which explains their incredible popularity among representatives of the Goth subculture. However, at some period they began to be worn in everyday life, and even with elegant holiday dresses. This eclecticism looked intriguing, although it didn’t last long in the status of a trend: this season, chokers have already become irrelevant. Unfortunately, trends indicate that in the near future, chokers may return to our lives.

Neon Colors

A couple of years ago, neon colors - greetings from the 90’s – were almost everywhere: on the posters, in the design of interiors and, of course, on fashion catwalks. Juicy bright shades brought a little variety into fashion, but soon everyone was tired of them. Now, neon can look good only in the wardrobe of adolescents: adults should avoid these colors, if they don’t want to look ridiculous and infantile.

Pseudo Gold Jewelry

The first wave of popularity of jewelry was due to the incomparable style icon Coco Chanel. She convinced the Frenchwoman that "People with good taste wear jewelry. Everyone else has to wear gold." High-quality beautiful jewelry even now looks stylish and relevant. But jewelry from pseudo-gold is not a good option. They are most often made of low-quality metal and look cheap and tasteless. Unfortunately, they are back in fashion, so when you see this in a store, pass by.

Wedding Pantsuits

Several generations of girls dreamed of a princess wedding dress. Then the silhouette of a mermaid, which could be seen on every second bride, came into fashion. Now, there is a new trend in the wedding fashion: pantsuits and overalls. Against the background of classical looks, these outfits look really unusual. But still, think about: is it worth to deprive yourself of the opportunity to wear a long fluffy dress, in which you can feel like a real princess, only to support fashion trends?


East news

Headbands came from the 80’s. Decorated with rhinestones, huge bows and juicy colors, they have added some variety to our idea of ​​hair accessories. But it doesn’t negate the fact that they look playfully and childishly. Now headbands are back in fashion again: stars tried them on red carpets. And though they haven’t reached ordinary girls yet, we are apprehensively waiting for all our friends to get these accessories.

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