Chanel’s fans may soon face unforeseen difficulties when buying bags from the French fashion house. According to Hypebeast, the brand's management has decided to limit purchases of some popular accessories.
These are the two most popular bag models, the Classic Flap Bag and the Coco Handle. As noted, in 2021, Chanel has raised the prices of its most popular products three times already this year, but they are still in great demand among buyers. In addition, the number of resales is increasing, and in order to fight resellers and increase exclusivity, the fashion house has to impose additional restrictions.
Starting this month, each customer will only be allowed to purchase one of each of the handbags per year. The same rules will apply to small leather goods - business card holders, wallets and cardholders. One customer will be able to purchase no more than two of the same product per year. Although this measure only applies to South Korea so far, the fashion world is changing very quickly, and fashionistas need to be prepared for anything.
Thus, recently, Hermès also changed its sale policy, bur their restrictions turned out to be less stringent: one person can buy the same design twice a year.