The feeling of helplessness, that occurs when you are unable to understand your own feelings, emotions and desires, is familiar to everyone. Sometimes, to deal with this state, you need professional help, but in some cases, special psychological tests can help. They will not only allow you to better understanding your aspirations and actions, but will give a hint on how to act in certain circumstances.
Time: about 30 minutes
Myers-Briggs test is one of the world's most famous questionnaires. Its results are used in a variety of areas: in career choices and defining career goals, self-knowledge and personal growth, to resolve personal problems, and even in family psychology. The test’s questions are aimed at revealing how a person makes decisions, reacts to different circumstances, how sociable and purposeful a person is. After passing the test, you will be assigned one of sixteen personality types, that will help you to better understand your goals, priorities, and relationship with others.
Time: about 5 minutes
Due to its unusual format, the Rorschach test is one of the most recognizable instruments for research of human psychology. It determines the individual properties and characteristics of personality: whether a person is prone to conflicts, how he controls the emotions and how important self-realization is for him. A respondent is shown several cards with shapeless stains and asked to tell about what he associated the pics with. Rorschach test is a complex instrument which is used in psychology and psychiatry, but you can pass a simplified version online.
Time: about 15 minutes
Belbin test will be effective for those who work in the team. Its creator, Professor Raymond Meredith Belbin, identified eight types of participants that are present in almost every team. They all have their own characteristics, and the test allows to identify the functions that employees can perform best. It’s even more interesting to take this test together with your colleagues or friends to find out how organically your team work is built. The results can be very unexpected, and the correct interpretation will help you to better understand not only yourself but also your colleagues.
Time: 2 minutes
Do you want to find out, if you are ready for a job that requires extreme care and concentration? Take the Monstera rapid test, which is used by some recruiters when selecting specialists. For a limited time, you will need to find as many real words in a disjointed set of letters as possible. Not everyone copes with this task on the first try.
Time: about 10 minutes
If the previous versions of the test require a more thoughtful approach, then to pass the Luscher color test, you will need to focus on your feelings and emotions. All that is required from the respondent is to choose the most attractive or, on the contrary, repulsive colors in the suggested palette. The test will determine your mood in the moment of passing, how impulsive you are, will help to identify your desires, aspirations and fears, and will give a general characteristic of your personality.
Time: about 20 minutes
We all react differently to life's difficulties and failures. Rosenzweig test will help determine your reaction to different stimuli, how you feel about criticism and comments. The questionnaire contains several drawings that depict two people. You need to put yourself in the place of one of them and write down your reaction to the words of the interlocutor. The test is passed quickly enough, but its interpretation takes a little more time.
Time: about 5 minutes
The most "unpleasant" test in our collection. It can cause a feeling of anxiety, excitement and even rejection. This is the task of testing - to determine the respondent’s predisposition to mental illness. The test includes portraits of several people, some of them are repulsive and even frightening. You need to select the more attractive option for you. As a result, you will receive a list of your most characteristic traits, emotions and fears. Don't trust the test result too much (only a specialist can make any diagnoses), but you will be able to better understand your experiences.
Time: about 5 minutes
If you have recently noticed that you are constantly experiencing anxiety and stress, then try to pass the Beck test, which is a scale of depression. This questionnaire will not help you to find out the cause of negative emotions, but it will tell you whether you need to seek help to cure depression, or you just in a bad mood.