Some Zara and Massimo Dutti stores may reopen in June 2022. This is reported by representatives of the company Inditex, which is going to continue doing business in Russia, with reference to Evgeny Khakberdiev, director of the retail real estate department at Knight Frank Russia.
Source: Global Look Press
The exact opening date of Zara and Massimo Dutti stores has not yet been announced, but it is reported that the restoration of outlets will occur gradually, and in the summer most of the usual stores will start working in full mode. This, in particular, was reported by the head of the retail department Core.XP Marina Malakhatko. The Inditex group of companies, in addition to the clothing and footwear brands Zara and Massimo Dutti, also includes Pull & Bear, Bershka, Stradivarius and Oysho. Previously, all these stores closed due to sanctions and disruption of the supply chain. Now, according to the owners, all problems have been solved, but first, stores will have to put up for sale the remaining spring collections in warehouses. Inditex has also made the decision to cut non-profitable retail outlets and keep stores in major cities only. It is possible that prices will also have to be raised.
Source: Global Look Press