Fashion Reports

Get a look behind the scenes at the fashion industry with World Fashion Channel. Only here you will find compelling reports from the best fashion shows, backstage footage and interviews with the world’s biggest designers, stylists, and makeup artists. You will hear honest feedback and responses from fashion experts, influencers and famous guests right after the shows.

Ermanno Scervino | Milan fashion report SS 2020

Показ коллекции весна-лето 2020 бренда Ermanno Scervino на Неделе моды в Милане. Интервью с моделями Эллой Раттиган, Кэролайн Кнудсен, Марой Касанпавиро, визажистом Эрин Парсонс, блогером Мэри Лист, инфлюенсером Натальей Османн, актрисой Росио Муньос Моралес, дизайнером Эрмано Шервино, стилистом Симоном Гуидарелли, байером Лало Реда, телеведущей Мелиссой Сатта и фотографом Эллен фон Унверт. 

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Get a look behind the scenes at the fashion industry with World Fashion Channel. Only here you will find compelling reports from the best fashion shows, backstage footage and interviews with the world’s biggest designers, stylists, and makeup artists. You will hear honest feedback and responses from fashion experts, influencers and famous guests right after the shows.

Ermanno Scervino | Milan fashion report SS 2020

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